Wednesday, June 1, 2011

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  • three
    Sep 3, 03:52 AM

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  • philipt42
    Oct 11, 09:25 PM
    Cool idea
    I'll check it out

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  • mico
    Jul 18, 09:06 AM
    Anyone know how to have a three way audio ichat. I can't seem to get the third person in. I get a warning that I have a conference already open. All people i want to talk to are using macs and have gone to apple discussionsfo info to no avail. Thanks

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  • simsaladimbamba
    May 6, 06:52 PM
    Don't you have some USB keyboard lying around?
    But I have had no problem accessing boot options with a wireless keyboard and a 2007 iMac.


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  • Jape
    Mar 30, 08:28 PM
    Spam, do not click.

    well the deal is legit, I just thought I would share with the community. Found it from a reputable source.

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  • chris975d
    Nov 19, 01:08 PM
    Here's a piece done by Fortune posted just a few minutes ago referring to the TJ Maxx thing:

    I seriously doubt the figure of "80 iPads total" aquired by TJ Maxx that is speculated in the article, but who knows.


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  • rich2000
    Oct 11, 02:59 PM
    It's an OK update but I'm kinda disappointed was expecting much more. There are other Twitter clients out there with more features. I'll give them the map though.. thats nice.

    I'm using Tweetings at the moment, I like the post what your listening to on your iPod feature.

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  • marcelbobbe
    Apr 17, 09:15 PM
    I was the first customer in Naples/Fl who bought the new MacBook Pro on Febr. 24 in the  store;
    after a while I noticed flickering on my 24" monitor; it became black for a split second; the problem continued; Apple replaced my Pro without asking questions; the second Pro still had the same problem; I got my third Pro recently - the problem stills continues; I disconnected the monitor but the same on the Pro itself; I wrote to the store manager and I am waiting for their answer;
    I have heard about this problem from different sides.
    Marcel Bobbe - USA


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  • Daremo
    Feb 28, 06:11 PM
    Does anyone know if there is a way to remove the 4GB / 50 minute video recording cap? I used Greenpois0n to jailbreak, even though that likely makes no difference. I thought maybe there was something I could install to remove the cap.

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  • LightSpeed1
    Mar 27, 03:54 PM
    This showed us exactly how many people read what they are bidding on.


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  • asdfghjkl123456
    Mar 11, 10:46 PM
    Oh, thanks.

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  • longkoo
    Apr 30, 10:41 AM
    Light It! Time Limited Free Now!

    As a puzzle game, it's funny and for you to challage your fast speed! Now the best score is 21.4 seconds! Game Center is available, please see if you are in the top list!

    Ver 1.1 is just published! We added some more maps and graphic. Well, some are easier, but the others are more difficult.

    Have a try?


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  • NWI73
    Feb 11, 06:33 AM
    Can anybody tell me for sure if I will lose all my rollover minutes if I make the change online? I have 5 lines on a family plan and I know that I have to make the change on all 5 lines manually which I am ok with. Can somebody verify for me that nothing will change on my account such as losing rollover mins, losing corporate FAN discount, losing anything else? I simply want to change Unlimited family text to unlimited family text plus unlimited any M2M. Whenever I do an online chat with a rep or call, they always tell me I need to 'update' my plan or something (I am on a family talk 1400 plan). I don't see a reason for this but they always tell me when I 'update', i'll lose all my rollover mins so I have not 'updated'....obviously and no ill effects as of yet.

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  • Yvan256
    Oct 6, 08:28 AM
    Then please go visit and see how user-applied changes break their designs to the point where elements are covered by others. Those designs usually apply to the W3 standards, and I bet they are far better at this things than either you or me.

    Having valid (X)HTML/CSS code doesn't mean it's well-coded. Some designers still think that webpages are static images where they (should) have pixel-perfect control. I hate those websites, some even go to the length of putting actual text content inside a GIF file because the browser couldn't render their 5-pixels-high font correctly.

    CSS Zen Garden shows how the web should be coded (XHTML structured content styled with CSS), but some of the designs (CSS files) are bad (yet use valid CSS code).

    If you view CSS Zen Garden with CSS disabled, you'll still have access to the content. It won't be pretty, but it'll be there. Content is more important than style (style with no content is useless).


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  • MacRumorUser
    Mar 24, 12:46 PM
    is there any way i can sync my music, videos and photos with my ps3?

    usb stick, memory stick/card

    Nothing like Connect 360 for the mac & ps3 yet.

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  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 30, 06:40 PM
    I haven't been up to date on the Mac flashing scene for a couple years now, but when I was last keeping up with it the MDD remained a problem child, and would not accept cards that worked well on the Digital Audio and Quicksilver G4s.

    I bought a Radeon 9600 PRO from OWC years ago, it was an OEM card pulled from an AGP G5 tower with pins 3 & 11 taped by OWC. They stopped selling them after awhile because of problems with certain versions of the G4 but it always worked fine for me in my Digital Audio.

    The bottom line is, not all cards work in all brands of G4, and the reasons for this are not fully understood in all cases. Your mileage may vary! This is why the Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB is a favorite choice for flashing, because it is one of the few cards that is known to work in all G4s.*

    *With the caveat that Radeon 9800s with more or less video memory than the 128MB version don't always work, and other verisons of the 9800 (XT, XL, SE) either don't work or are not proven to work on most machines.

    dang, totally forgot about that. i've even linked that before. very useful thread! (click the link in his signature)

    Thanks for the plug! That was a fun project, and the darned card still works. :D


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  • osxman1970
    May 1, 01:59 AM

    We have a volume licence for Office 2008. We have a mixture of network logins and local logins on our 10.6.7 macs. Is there a way to get rid of the office setup assistant? Teachers are complaining that when students open word this always comes up and confuses students and wastes time.


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  • aristotle
    Apr 21, 12:32 PM
    OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR you can compare smartphone OSs like what is normally done.
    Dude, could you be any more obvious with an username like that? Get real dude.

    Or we could compare smartphone models where the iPhone models would win again or we could compare actual smartphone brands which would again have Apple beating android brands.

    If you want to compare iOS to Android then you have to include iPod Touches and iPads. They all run iOS and can basically run the same set of iPhone/iPod Touch or universal apps. It is not Apple's problem that almost nobody is making a non-phone android device in the same form factor as the iPod Touch. It is also not Apple's problem that Android tablets have been a flop.

    If you are developer on iOS, you can target iPhones, iPod Touches and iPads with the same app if you choose so they can be consider one platform as far as universal apps are concerned.

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  • CristobalHuet
    May 20, 01:23 PM
    Hey Montrealer!

    I wish I could be getting the iPad on launch day, but it's getting shipped to me around June 7th.

    You plan on going to Ste-Catherine? That's probably your best bet. :)

    Oct 31, 10:14 AM
    There is a 2GB shuffle!??!?!?!?:eek:

    Now that we have all ragged on Kirk sufficiently, I ask this simple question for you memory geeks out there. When will a 2 gigglebyte chip of the same form factor become available sufficient for a Shuffle "second generation", "version 2"?


    Nov 1, 02:49 PM
    This question is for those with new-ish (Intel) laptops who check the option to convert high bitrate files to 128-kbps AAC before copying to the Shuffle:

    Does it take long to convert the files? I have a 1GHz TiBook, and it is taking forever to get those files on there with the option checked...

    Dec 19, 03:49 AM
    Here's a little humor that none of my friends would understand! :p

    Mar 7, 06:12 AM
    Well i Pad is not a chopping section for you this comes pre installed in your Apple Mac so you don't have to panic about it .

    Dec 1, 10:25 AM
    Getting my Lost on