Wednesday, June 1, 2011

tuesdays with morrie quotes

tuesdays with morrie quotes. #39;Tuesdays With Morrie#39; Brought
  • #39;Tuesdays With Morrie#39; Brought

  • pjarvi
    Jan 1, 04:05 PM

    46" plasma tv and stand were my gift to myself this year.

    From my brother:
    -Ye Olde Monty Python Cow Catapult
    -Golden Witchblade action figure
    -Munchkin Santa's Revenge card game expansion
    -Captain Cook "Surrender Your Buns" BBQ apron
    -(Not pictured) $25 Wal-Mart gift card

    From my parents:
    -New Balance shoes
    -PowerSox sweatbands
    -Razor blades
    -(Not pictured) Bag of beef jerky
    -(Not pictured) Bag of pepperoni sticks
    -(Not pictured) Wool socks
    -(Not pictured) $5 cash

    tuesdays with morrie quotes. of Tuesdays with Morrie at
  • of Tuesdays with Morrie at

  • fivepoint
    Mar 3, 02:33 PM
    Fivepoint's argument is akin to complaining that the slaves weren't paying their fair share of the taxes, and the plantation owners were paying far too much.

    The top earners have almost all of the wealth in this country, they should be paying almost all of the taxes. If they were paying too much, wouldn't the wealth disparity be shrinking?

    I wasn't arguing anything... simply pointing out the fallacy of his point. He stated they weren't paying their 'fair share' so I pointed out why he was wrong. That's all. BTW, what is with people like you who think they need to relate everything to slavery, the holocaust, or racism? :o

    tuesdays with morrie quotes. 143 tuesdays with morrie.
  • 143 tuesdays with morrie.

  • NoShoreGuy
    Apr 18, 07:17 AM

    Just purchased a new 13" high end Macbook it!!! Question, sometimes when I'm on a web page in place of a picture there's a blue question mark instead of the picture....why is that???


    tuesdays with morrie quotes. tuesdays with morrie
  • tuesdays with morrie

  • MacBytes
    Jan 22, 11:27 PM
    Category: Mac Websites
    Link: GarageBandCreations reincarnated as - iTMS gift certificate contest on now... (

    Posted on (

    Approved by Mudbug


    tuesdays with morrie quotes. Tuesdays with Morrie
  • Tuesdays with Morrie

  • bravedeer
    Nov 20, 01:59 PM
    I think the consensus is that Apple abandoned the idea of building a phone completely from the ground up, which was their original idea. The question is *what* exactly they abandoned. At some level it makes sense for them to use Symbian or some other existing OS in order to get the benefit of 3rd party app availability.

    Then again, that rather un-Apple like, since I would think Apple would want to have total control over the interface. Maybe Apple *will* come up with a real-time "OS X Lite" operating system, and the 3rd party apps will have to be Java apps, basically. If Apple makes sure that Java performs well on the iPhone then that would be their best strategy...

    I think that rumor that Apple abandoned the idea of building a phone completely from the ground up is really old and probably not true. They've had a long time to work on this now...

    tuesdays with morrie quotes. Book: Tuesdays with Morrie
  • Book: Tuesdays with Morrie

  • Davvido
    Jul 31, 05:23 AM


    tuesdays with morrie quotes. 1999 Tuesdays With Morrie
  • 1999 Tuesdays With Morrie

    Apr 10, 08:26 PM
    It's already been reported that Lion Server will improve file sharing with Windows 7 (and of course, the mail service will work with the right client app), but what about other services? Can a Windows client log in with a network account?


    With the removal of samba from mac server, it seems that windows network logins won't work. sorry!

    tuesdays with morrie quotes. Tuesdays with Morrie
  • Tuesdays with Morrie

  • princealfie
    Nov 30, 08:45 AM
    Oh, well boo-hoo that it costs $100m to make a peice of crap movie. Some of the best films of the last ten years have been smaller, independent productions with budgets less than $20m. So, how about you all stop wasting your money and focus on story and character rather than big marketing campaigns to convince people that there's anything at all redeeming about the over-hyped ************ you release.

    And on that tip, think about this big studios: If you're getting $8-$12 in sheer profit for a movie download, there's a good chance this money is coming from someone who may not have paid at all, as people who currently steal movies from the internet, already download them. There's an incentive there to get something high quality and that is cheaper than buying the retail boxed product.

    Also, I don't have the numbers in front of me, but you big studios are actually cutting out one of the middle-men in partnering with apple, as Apple becomes both distributor and retailer. Right? So, less mark-ups for other people - no packaging, shipping costs, no big displays for online downloads. That's going to save you money too.

    So, basically, stop whining.

    Michael Winterbottom's Tristram Shandy... yeahhhhhhhhhhh.


    tuesdays with morrie quotes. funny tuesday quotes tuesdays
  • funny tuesday quotes tuesdays

  • zelmo
    Feb 15, 08:39 AM
    Wow. Some of the most exciting non-"Apple product release" news in months, and it happens while I'm too busy with real work to keep up with the boards. Figures. :rolleyes:

    At any rate, congrats to all the new Mods (and even the mod mini :)). Excellent picks all the way around. It'll be nice to have the broader online coverage that overseas Mods will bring.

    edesignuk, while I'll miss some of your more "entertaining" postings, even a toned down you is quite a bit of personality. Of course, now I won't have a chance to laugh at the "free iPod" morons in the morning, as you will have Wasted them before I get on. Small price.

    bousozoku, Nermal, and WinterMute are all great choices. I have enjoyed their advice, wisdom, humor and observations in the few months I've been on MR. I have no doubt they will serve as great Mods.

    There, that ought to be enough brown-nosing to start. Now, to go online and order four of those fancy massaging chair inserts....

    tuesdays with morrie quotes. tuesdays with morrie movie
  • tuesdays with morrie movie

  • Glial
    Apr 6, 02:24 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Yea.. But they dot have 7GB actually sitting there for that one customer. They might have 10 allocated to 10 customers and add as they need to, because I bet 99% of gmail users don't have 1Gb on there! People don't think about stuff like this...

    So of EVERYONE had a 64gb iPad that was going to have auto sync to these servers, a 64gb space might work for 2 or 3 customers that only have half or a third of their iPad filled. When a company says you get 7GB they don't hol that space for you, they just allow you to use that much.

    Yup, it's called Thin Provisioning.


    tuesdays with morrie quotes. Tuesdays with Morrie Project (
  • Tuesdays with Morrie Project (

  • Jonasgold
    Apr 4, 01:28 PM
    Tell me, what market does Apple concentrate on?

    Since the Euro is higher than the dollar, I would say they prefer the EU. More profit per sold iDevice ;).

    Personally I support this, it is not because I support this. I want to read a paper not being spammed with offers.

    tuesdays with morrie quotes. tuesdays with morrie tuesdays
  • tuesdays with morrie tuesdays

  • Michael383
    Apr 7, 07:25 PM
    That game list takes me back. I remember getting an Atari 5200 for Christmas and spending plenty of time playing Missle Command, Breakout, Centipede etc... Even though I moved on to Nintendo the 5200 remains one of my favorite game consoles. Wish I still had it today.


    tuesdays with morrie quotes. Tuesdays with Morrie
  • Tuesdays with Morrie

  • jsw
    Sep 24, 07:55 PM
    They do in the eyes of the law.
    No, not as long as the kid lives in their house, they don't. As long as they're dependents, they don't. At least not here.

    tuesdays with morrie quotes. of Tuesdays with Morrie.
  • of Tuesdays with Morrie.

  • floridaoj1
    Dec 28, 01:08 AM
    I thought I might post a video I made... It's a mix of 4 video's actually, and some other editing...
    It would be cool to have a video category here, but I understand how the bandwidth suffers from it..... :)

    Here's my vid, watch it..... (


    tuesdays with morrie quotes. Tuesdays With Morrie School
  • Tuesdays With Morrie School

  • Lord Blackadder
    Jan 10, 04:31 PM
    The diesel saga is a story for another thread...but VW is one of the few car manufacturers selling vehicles in the US with a diesel.

    Its worth pointing out that the current Jetta also follows the Cheaper+Bigger philosophy, although it will be sold in Europe as well as North America. I should also note that this new American Passat is not related to the previous generation Passat. The current Euro Passat is a facelifted version of the previous car. The new American Passat is a new design that will be sold only in North America and China. So we now have two "Passats" in the market that are actually different cars, though they are sold in different markets.

    I hope they don't give the Golf the Cheaper+Bigger treatment as well...

    tuesdays with morrie quotes. than Tuesdays with Morrie.
  • than Tuesdays with Morrie.

  • Full of Win
    Apr 29, 12:29 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; U; CPU OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    The concept for an Apple phone/computer from 1983.

    Image (

    I want an iPad dock like that for the office.

    Write a check big enough to The Silicon Bank and it can be yours.


    tuesdays with morrie quotes. Tuesdays with Morrie Quotes on Facebook | Facebook
  • Tuesdays with Morrie Quotes on Facebook | Facebook

  • nehas91
    Aug 8, 05:31 PM

    mind sharing how you got your menu bar to be that color?

    tuesdays with morrie quotes. from Tuesdays with Morrie
  • from Tuesdays with Morrie

  • spyderracer393
    Oct 31, 04:58 PM
    Yeah, the whole 2G = 2nd Generation thing is getting old. Most people with any sense can discern 2G from 2GB, but that's assuming that most people have any sense, which sadly isn't the case.
    (I don't get it; when people say they have a 120 Gigabyte Hard Drive in their computer, they always say "120GB," not "120G." So why get confused at "2G iPod?" It's simply confounding!)

    Even with clarification, people still foul it up. I concur with recommending to referring to it as the G2 Shuffle, or even "new iPod shuffle" as Apple refers to it on their site.

    I'd recommend naming it "clippy" but well... that would just start a whole new debacle!

    Anyway, even though I already have a 5G iPod (err... that's 5th Generation, or G5, or iPod Video) I might pick up one of these clippy ones. I could take it places where I fear to carry my larger & more expensive iPod. It would also make a great gift!

    The iPods have always been referred to as 1st generation, 2nd generation, 3rd generation, hence 1g, 2g, 3g...and so on.

    If you want to call the iPod by its "name" then the:
    5G/5th generation would be called the "iPod with video capability."
    4G/4th gen iPod would be called the iPod with clickwheel
    3G/3rd gen iPod would be called the iPod with dock connector
    2G/2nd gen iPod would be called the iPod with touch wheel (correct me if I'm wrong)
    1G/1st gen iPod would be called the iPod with scroll wheel

    In other words, the iPods are named by their number, than the word "generation"

    Folks...please undertand that if it has GB it is an abbreviation for gigabyte, MB is for megabyte, KB is kilobyte, and G is generation


    tuesdays with morrie quotes. Tuesdays With Morrie Trailer
  • Tuesdays With Morrie Trailer

  • Socratic
    May 3, 02:56 AM
    Arguments that gay people shouldn't be allowed to give blood? Really? I give way to much credit to society sometimes. Equating homosexuality to prostitution or drug use is so incredibly ignorant.

    Learn to read. You will be happier.

    anonymous guy
    Mar 25, 07:47 PM
    I'd love to see Apple displace Google Maps on their iOS devices. That would be a major blow to Google and a major win for Apple and their iAd product. The more you tie maps into adverts the more personalized those adverts become. The more successful marketing campaigns. Apple can take iAds to the next level. :cool:

    Maps with iAds intrusions?

    I'm glad some fans aren't calling the shots here...

    Hans Brix
    Apr 1, 02:37 AM
    Very nice. I'm still using one of the wallpapers included in OS X.

    Apr 20, 10:52 PM
    In 5 years time, Kindle OS will have a greater market share than android I think.

    Really stop lying to yourself. Android is a powerful mobile OS that can be adapted to many situations. Its not going anywhere for a while. Kindle will not outsell it as kindles direct competition the Nook (an android device). Android will save people money in the future. Why right your own set of code for a cash register when you just build it on top of android.

    Aug 13, 04:31 PM
    Last one for now...

    Oct 18, 11:02 AM
    Good job but the bottom of the ipods are choppy so need sharpening up